Again it has been to long since I have got to update Makhi's page...But all I can say is life is BUSY around this house. LOL:)
Well my last update has come back to bit me in the butt just when I thought we were home free and off all the meds (at least for the OMS) OMS came back and reared its ugly head again. The first red flag was Makhi's behavior was slipping and slipping fast. He was becoming very cranky and unable to make a choice about anything...then came the shakes in the hands....By this time I was in freak out mode and called his doctors and demanded that we see them right away..If anything I have learned from Makhi's illness (OMS) is to act fast and not to wait and see how things go. The last thing I ever want is to have Makhi in a full blown relapse. I just don't think I could ever watch my son go threw that hell again.
So Makhi is back on steroids (JOY) NOT!!!!! ...... Predinsone which we have never used before Makhi was a ACTH (which in a steroid that is injected intramuscular) user for 3 years. And also he has been put back on Methorexate which is a oral chemo drug. So as of now he is doing alot better. We are going to keep him on these drugs for the next 6 months and then go from there. The doctors think maybe he may have to go back on the IVIG which I am hoping is not the case. Makhi always hated having to sit threw the 8 hours infusion. And since he no longer has his medi port he has to have the IV in his hand which he hates even more... For now we are just going to take it one day at a time.
Now off to some good news . Makhi is doing so well in school... Better than any of us would have thought. He now is able to recognise 18 letter out of the alphabet and in the beginning of the year he didn't know any. He is now able to read his little paper books that the school sends home. He has also completed his first year of football and he just loved it. It was so nice to see him take some pride in himself and his teammates. This is the first time Makhi has ever been able to do what the "OTHER KIDS" do. His health issues kept him from being able to live a "NORMAL" life. He made so much progress and he truly loves the sport. GO EAGLES!!!! The hole team and coaches made me proud.....
Please keep the prayers coming for all the children who are ill. And count your blessing everyday.
God Bless
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